Registration and rate

Pay in 3 monthly payments of $12 or one payment of $31.50 (save $4.50 when you pay up-front).

Register or sign in for the course at the top of this page. This course can be completed in under 2 hours and you will receive your digital certificate right away.

Rate. If you have any discount codes, you can apply them during the sign-up process.

Are you a BeautyCouncil member? BeautySafe courses you see here are built on a new system that is separate from the main BeautyCouncil site. BeautyCouncil administers this site and protects your data the same way. Please sign up on this site separately to take BeautySafe courses.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome to BeautySafe, Level 2 - Cosmetic Tattooing

    • How to use this course

    • Key concepts in this course

  • 2

    Chapter A - Introduction To Cosmetic Tattooing & Microblading

    • Introduction to Cosmetic Tattooing & Microblading

    • Informed Consent/Waiver Form

    • Before You Begin

    • Work Station

    • Client Assessment

    • Section A - Quiz

  • 3

    Chapter B - Client care and tool hygiene

    • Client Care

    • Single-Use Implements

    • Principles of Prevention

    • Cleaning Multi-Use Implements

    • Disinfecting Implements

    • Sterilizing Implements

    • Section B - Quiz

  • 4

    Chapter C - Environment, storage and finishing up

    • Safe Storing Of Reprocessed Implements

    • During The Procedure

    • Pigment Use

    • Following The Procedure

    • Treating Minor Cuts And Abrasions

    • Clean Up

    • Section 3 - Quiz